Detailed Observation

ObserverAvalanche Level 1 Rec Haines

General Observations

Red Flags: Active wind loading and visible transport. Light to moderate snowfall. 

Location: Radio Tower Muskeg in the Lutak Zone at 1400' Northeast-aspect 15 degree slope.

Weather: Obscured sky, East winds moderate gusting strong, Temps 26 Fahrenheit, Light snow. 

Snow Quality: Ski quality was not so good, Wet refrozen snow with some breakable surface crust

Layers: 145 centimeters total, Melt-freeze crust down 10 centimeters, 4 centimeter weak layer down 30 centimeters. 

Pit Results: Extended column test ECTN 27 and Propagation saw test PST 40/100 end down 30 centimeters.

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Weather Observations

Observed Avalanche Activity