Hatcher Pass

Forecast as of 12/27/2018 at 07:00 and expires on 12/28/2018

Above 3,500ft None

2,500 to 3,500ft None

Below 2,500ftNone

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Activity

Human triggered wind slab reported on Sunday 12/23.  You can see the observation here.

No other avalanche activity has been report at this time.


Winds picked up slightly this week, with Easterly winds at ridge tops gusting to moderate Sunday 12/23. At Independence Mine, winds have been calm to light from the North since Saturday 12/22. Independence Mine has received no measurable precipitation since Saturday 12/22. Temperatures have been mild with a high of 33° F on Sunday 12/23, high of 21° F on Monday, and a high of 27° F on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Lows have hovered around 20° F.

Thursday 12/27 through Saturday 12/29, the weather is expected to be overcast with temperatures in the upper 20’s F during the day, with calm to light winds from the east and southeast.  The best chance for snow is Thursday through early Friday morning, with 1-3″ accumulation.

Stay tuned to the NOAA point forecast for an updated weather forecast each day. The best way to see if it’s snowing in Hatcher Pass is to look at the webcam snow stake HERE and the Independence Mine SNOTEL site HERE



Avalanche conditions in Hatcher Pass are improving.  Human triggered avalanches 1-4 ft deep are still possible in steep isolated locations at mid to upper elevations, mostly on leeward (West through North) terrain.  Practice good travel protocol by skiing and riding one at a time, spotting your partner, and watching your partners away from the runout.  Practice terrain progression by starting with smaller, low consequence terrain.  Avoid terrain traps where even a small slide could have big consequences.


Mark your calendars for the annual Hatcher Pass Avalanche Workshop coming up on Saturday January 19th.  

Save the Date:

HPAC Annual Fundraiser and Cabin Fever Reliever, Saturday,February 9th, 2019 at the Moose Lodge in Palmer.