Haines Avalanche Center

Forecast as of 2019-03-22 at 03:00 pm and expires on 2019-03-24

Above 2,500ftConsiderable

1,500 to 2,500ftConsiderable

Below 1,500ftNone

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Problems

Problem 1

Wet Avalanches:


  • Almost Certain
  • Very Likely
  • Likely
  • Possible
  • Unlikely


  • Historic
  • Very Large
  • Large
  • Small


  • Increasing
  • Steady
  • Decreasing

Avalanche Activity

There was a large natural avalanche cycle Sunday 3/17. D3 slides were common on all aspects and elevations above 1500ft. A few D4 slides were observed with unusually long runouts (one of them over 1 mile long). That cycle has ended, but warm temperatures continue to bring down the occasional wet slide from steep south aspects. 

Aftermath of the major avalanche cycle:



Our zones received 2-4″ of SWE last weekend, and snow levels rose to 4500-5000ft, causing a major avalanche cycle. Since then, it has been quite warm, with temperatures above freezing at 4600ft and lower, for the last 4-5 days straight. Temperatures will begin to cool off a little this weekend, with some light rain on Saturday.


Snow Depth [in]

Last 24-hr Snow/SWE [in]

Last 3-days Snow/SWE [in]

Today’s Freezing Level [ft]

Today’s Winds

Next 48-hr Snow/SWE

Mount Ripinsky @ treeline


0″ / 0.20

0″ / 0.50

5500ft falling to 4000ft sunday


0″ / 0.20 *

Flower Mountain @ treeline


0″ / 0.20 0″ / 0.70 5500ft falling to 4000ft sunday calm

0″ / 0.40 *

Chilkat Pass @ 3,100ft


0″ / 0.20

0″ / 0.70

5500ft falling to 4000ft sunday calm

0″ / 0.30 *

( *star means meteorological estimate )

Additional Information

If you get out riding, please send in an observation!

Do a rescue practice with your partners. Always carry a beacon, shovel, and probe, and KNOW HOW TO USE THEM.

Practice good risk management, which means only expose one person at a time to slopes 30 degrees and steeper, make group communication and unanimous decision making a priority, and choose your terrain wisely: eliminating unnecessary exposure and planning out your safe zones and escape routes.