
Forecast Expired - 04/11/2023

Above 2,000ftModerate

1,000 to 2,000ftModerate

Below 1,000ftLow

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Activity

The highway avalanche hazard is LOW.

The avalanche hazard may increase if we see heavy precipitation or hot temperatures.


We received over an inch of water Tuesday evening into Thursday. This translated into a couple inches of slush at sea level and a foot of new snow above 2000 feet. Avalanche observations have been limited, though any avalanche activity should be confined to this new snow.

We are at that time of year when we may see all 4 seasons in a single day. As for the details, there are disagreements between the weather models. Our days are getting longer, so expect increasing diurnal temperature swings. Also, direct solar radiation will play a larger role. Backcountry users should use caution around steep slopes, especially sun baked aspects.