
Forecast Expired - 12/21/2021

Above 2,000ftModerate

1,000 to 2,000ftModerate

Below 1,000ftLow

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Activity

The highway avalanche hazard is LOW.

The avalanche hazard should remain the same into next week.


A foot of light snow snuck in last Tuesday morning with only a breath of wind. Benign weather has since promoted snow stability. While we have a fair amount of snow at sea level, we don’t have much more in the upper mountains. 4-5 feet exists at the top of the ski hill, mid-mountain. Temperatures have recently increased, though snow still clings to the trees at sea level. Snow fall has returned.

Expect 3-4 inches of light snow overnight. This shouldn’t be enough weight to upset the stress to strength ratio unless significant wind loading occurs. Otherwise, more benign weather looks to continue into next week keeping the avalanche hazard the same.