Hatcher Pass

Forecast Expired - 02/19/2019

Above 3,500ft High

2,500 to 3,500ft Considerable

Below 2,500ftModerate

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Activity

Yesterday visibility was extremely poor for observing avalanche activity.

Yesterday a couple reports indicated natural avalanche activity on Marmot Mountain’s South aspect and in the Martin Mine area. Again visibility was a limitation, but a large natural avalanche appeared to leave debris at the base of the Martin Mine area near the Independence Mine Bowl.


Storm totals we have been tracking at Independence Mine

2/16-17 – 5.5″

2/17-18 – 14″

Approximately 19.5″ in the last 48 hours

This morning’s NWS Recreational Forecast:

The Hatcher Pass Mountain Forecast covers the mountains in the
Hatcher Pass Recreation Area.

This forecast is for use in snow safety activities and emergency

                   Today        Tonight

Temp at 1000`      26-32 F      17 F

Temp at 3000`      19-25 F      25 F

Chance of precip   90%          90%

Precip amount
(above 1000 FT)    0.56 in      0.19 in

Snow amount
(above 1000 FT)    6-9 in       2-3 in

Snow level         800 ft       sea level

Wind 3000` ridges  S 9-16 mph   SW 9-15 mph


NWS Rec Forecast HERE

NWS point forecast HERE

State Parks Snow Report and Motorized Access information HERE

Additional Information

TREND – Rising avalanche hazard with increased snowfall today through tomorrow.

Expect the avalanche hazard to rise to High at mid elevations and Considerable at low elevations later today and into tomorrow. Upper elevations will remain high through tomorrow.

Snow is expected to continue today through tomorrow with new accumulations reaching 8-12″. Stack this on top of the existing 14″ of new snow over the last 48 hours and we are looking at storm totals reaching the 2+ foot mark at 3000′ by tomorrow. Upper elevations will likely have received even more snow.




The avalanche hazard is HIGH today for upper elevations, CONSIDERABLE at mid elevations and MODERATE at low elevation. Travel in avalanche terrain is not recommended.

Dangerous avalanche conditions exist with natural avalanche activity possible to likely at mid to upper elevations. Keep in mind that large avalanches will be able to run long distances. Pay attention to what is above you as avalanches will have a far reach. Any avalanche at any of the elevations bands will be dangerous.

Poor visibility will make safe travel in the backcountry difficult to impossible today.

If you do decide to enter the backcountry, stick to the lowest elevation bands below 2500′, slopes 25º or less, and out of the runnout of steeper slopes from above. Make sure someone back home knows the specific locations you intend to travel and check back out of the backcountry with them at the end of your day.

Let’s all make this an avalanche free, holiday weekend!


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