
Forecast Expired - 12/13/2022

Above 2,000ftModerate

1,000 to 2,000ftLow

Below 1,000ftLow

Degrees of Avalanche Danger


Currently our shallow snowpack poses little hazard, with nothing at sea level, a variable foot at 1500’, and twice that in the upper mountains. However, we’ve got some busy weather starting. Models suggest over 2 inches of water today through Monday. The freezing line will climb to around 1000’ Monday. Overall, expect a wet heavy foot of snow at sea level and 2 feet of snow in the upper mountains. Strong wind will load western aspects. The avalanche hazard may increase Monday. Another heavy precipitation event looks to follow Wednesday.

CTC is ending their email service at the end of the year. Anyone with a account will need a new one. Please email me from your new account and remind me of your old email so I can correct my list. Also note my new email account and make sure it isn’t going to spam.

[email protected]