
Forecast Expired - 03/17/2023

Above 2,000ftConsiderable

1,000 to 2,000ftConsiderable

Below 1,000ftModerate

Degrees of Avalanche Danger

Avalanche Activity

The highway avalanche hazard is MODERATE.

The avalanche hazard should increase through the week.


The previous 2 weeks of dry weather brought strong northerly winds, a period of very warm temperatures, and then more strong northerly winds. Conditions have rapidly changed today. So far we’ve received 10 inches of light cold snow, with moderate wind loading western aspects and firming up slabs. This new snow will not bond well to the old snow. New snow avalanches are probable and the hazard will increase as the new snow adds up.

Expect precipitation to continue through Saturday. Models suggest over 3 inches of water which will translate into 3 feet of new snow. Moderate wind will continue to load western aspects. Intensity and temperatures look to increase Friday. The avalanche hazard will increase then.