Hatcher Pass

Forecast as of 05/02/2019 at 19:30 and expires on 05/03/2019

Above 3,500ft None

2,500 to 3,500ft None

Below 2,500ftNone

Degrees of Avalanche Danger


May 5, 2019

The avalanche advisory season is over. No avalanche advisories are being issued at this time.

There is still a significant amount of snow at Hatcher Pass, and avalanches can continue to occur even though we are not issuing avalanche advisories.

Methodically check the recent observations for pertinent information on conditions and avalanches before heading into the backcountry HERE.

Check the weather stations regularly, watch the weather patterns, look specifically for rapid weather changes which could trigger or increase the likelihood for avalanche activity.

Watch for red flags that indicate the potential for avalanches:

-Recent avalanches

-Cracking and/or collapsing

-New precipitation, rain, snow

Wind loading

-Rapid warming or thawing


If you observe avalanche activity, please share it as an observation HERE.

As the spring season continues, expect consecutive overnight non-freezing temperatures and warm days to eventually trigger a shedding avalanche cycle.  

Pay specific attention to wet loose avalanches, wet slab avalanches, and cornice failures as spring temperatures continue to climb and overnight freezes diminish.

For more details on spring conditions, check out the Chugach Avalanche Center’s Spring Time Avalanche Tips. There’s a stack of detailed, useful information to study up on! HERE

And check out the Utah Avalanche Center’s page with spring time tips as well. HERE

HPAC and the HP Advisory Board would like to THANK YOU, our community of supporters, donors, sponsors and observers who made this season successful! We could not have done it without you. It is a big hurdle and a major accomplishment to get through a year with touchy avalanche conditions and have everyone come home safely!